Another Saturday in Vienna means one important thing – the Naschmarkt! I adore that place, with its epic amount of fresh food, bread, kebab, and chatkis for sale every Saturday. I came away with a very awesome Kaiser beer glass, a perfect family gift (it’s a family name) and my favorite purchase of the trip – an Almdudler clock! Almdudler ( has been my favorite drink here, and it is an Austrian classic (second only to Coke in popularity here!). The clock is so much fun and will be a great reminder of my time here this summer!
We then went on the epic search for our friend Henri’s tennis match. It proved to be an impossible dream, however, as we got rather lost. However, it was not too bad since I got to see a new part of the city!
After that, I went to the Museum of Torture (Folter Museum), which, as one would guess, was actually very interesting and intense! The displays are set up with life size figures undergoing the various methods of torture, often with the real historical instruments being used! Personal favorites included the “Cloak of Disgrace”, which would be decorated with the crime the person committed and would often inspire a mob to attack the person, and the wheel scene – complete with raven sound effects. The insane ideas people have are shown to full effect in this museum and it is quite effective, as the museum is darkened and full of creepy sounds. The museum also featured a chilling exhibit on modern day torture, sponsored by Amnesty International Österreich. Additionally, the museum has a bomb shelter set up you can walk through.
After that, it was time to head out for some dinner at 1516. I also got to see more of Vienna at night - it's strange, but it's something I haven't experienced much - just wandering around the city without a set destination. Usually I just jump on the U to get somewhere, and that really limits what you can see. So before I went out tonight I walked about the city, seeing the Russian Soldier and Karlskirche at night (unbelievably gorgeous). Seeing the Otto Wagner Pavillions lit up and used as a cafe, as well as all the nearby palm trees, was a fun thing to see! Then it was off to dance at Flex (an amazing Vienna club) until 4 a.m.! Another fun day in Vienna is done... This city never bores me!
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